Phatt Super-foods

Most “alternative” health practitioners believe that the PH  (measurement of bodies hydrogen ion concentration) is the difference between good health and disease.

The PH scale starts at 1 and ends at 14.

A PH of 7 is neutral and the bodies PH level for optimal health is 7.2 – 7.3

Anything below 7 is acidic and causes a huge variety of health problems.

Indigestion, bloating, nausea, gastric reflex, goat, kidney stones, breathlessness, rashes, pimples, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, asthma, colds, bronchitis, respiratory conditions, heart disease, diabetes, strokes and obesity as well as a weakened immune system and lack of energy and stamina are all attributed to a body in an acidic state.

The ph@tt approved food lists are full of green leafy vegetables.

These super-foods neutralise the acid build up from carbs, sugar and meat, quickly and efficiently restoring your body to its natural alkaline state of optimal health.

Good Gut Health

Our intestine walls contain millions of hair like structures called Villi.

The Villi absorbs nutrients from our food and directs these nutrients via the blood stream to the parts of the body that need it the most i.e Vitamin A to the eyes and skin, Calcium to the teeth and bones.

Sugar coats the villi with a thick sludge reducing the amount of nutrients being released into our body.  The phatt gut healing program focuses on healing the gut and removing the sludge from the Villi.

Our bodies are then able to once again absorb much-needed nutrients from our food.



Escape sugar for a healthy gut

Sugar…its everywhere.

We expect it in chocolate, cakes, sweets and fizzy drinks but did you know that up to 67% of our food contains some type of sugar and often we don’t even know it’s there.

For instance did you know that there are over 60 different words that food company’s use to disguise the sugar in their products.

Brown rice syrup, cane juice, corn syrup, fructose, dextrose, lactose, malt, maple and sucrose are all actually just another name for sugar.

“Low Fat” and “Natural” often mean high in sugar.

Apple juice concentrate? Also sugar.

Baby formula, yogurt, fruit juice, protein bars, sauces and even bread all contain sugar.

So how do we avoid it?

Shop in the outside aisles in your supermarket.

Buy fresh fruit and vegetables.

Educate yourself and understand the terminology on packaged food labels.

Limit your intake of fizzy drinks and energy drinks, some energy drinks contain more than the recommended dietary allowance of sugar in one serve. Have a look at Phattgut’s Sugar Guide and see how much sugar you are drinking.

gut health

Escape sugar for good gut health


The importance of enzymes

Digestive enzymes or if you’re in Europe  Enzymes are a crucial part in the gut healing process. They work directly on the break down of food in the gut.

We want to heal the gut and encourage the natural break down in food with gastric juices. Enzymes give this process a boost.

Fifteen minutes before lunch and dinner and for fifteen minutes after eating do not drink any water. Chew your food until it is all liquid before you swallow. With your last mouthful have a Digestive Enzyme.

Contact me at or on facebook and heal your gut today.